tenants housing with off street parking

Landlords can claim £350 per socket (and up to £70,000 in total) for installing EV chargepoints for their tenants.

The OZEV grant scheme was redefined in 2022 with an emphasis on rented properties rather than privately owned households. What this means is that Landlords can claim £350 per chargepoint socket towards the cost and installation.

The property can be a single building with a permanent tenant (holiday homes are exempt), flats or apartment buildings. The parking space must also be allocated to that building (ie not a public space) and off the road.

If a property meets these requirements then the Landlord can claim the grant for up to 200 properties each financial year.

Commercial properties are covered too

The OZEV grant scheme also covers commercial and workplace properties. So if a Landlord owns a shop or office block the same grants are available.

The Hydra Zodiac was designed as a residential 7kW EV chargepoint and is also OZEV approved. It offers simple Plug’n’Play operation, app controlled charging or RFID controlled access. This means access to the charging facilities can be restricted to tenants and other authorised users if required.

The Zodiac is also available with a 22kW output if the building has a three-phase electric supply which offers faster charging times if the tenant’s EV is able to accommodate it.

For landlords with a larger estate or apartment block there is a separate EV Infrastructure grant scheme which additionally covers part of the infrastructure costs (wiring etc) as well as the cost of the EV chargepoint itself.

The infrastructure grant covers £500 for wiring and other installation costs plus the £350 chargepoint grant. The building must have at least five dedicated parking spaces and one EV chargepoint installed per five spaces.

More details can be found on the Government’s OZEV website:

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about which grants are available for you and which EV charging products you can install. We also have a network of Hydra Approved Installation Partners who can carry out a site survey, assess your needs and give a quote for installation In accordance with the OZEV grant scheme.

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