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70% of Classic Car enthusiasts say they should be able to register EV conversions as a new vehicle class on V5

With electric conversions for classic cars rising in popularity, a recent poll by specialist insurance broker, Footman James revealed that 70% of classic car enthusiasts want the DVLA to create a new vehicle class on the V5 solely for EV conversions.

Converting classic cars to run on electric power and stripping their internal combustion engine and running gear has risen in popularity in the last decade. With TV shows dedicated to the conversion process, major UK companies upcycling classic cars into EVs, and with the average cost circa £20,000 – £40,000 for the conversion alone, it’s a growing theme and profitable business case.

To date, however, only modern EVs are classed as an EV on their official registration documentation (V5C), and the classic car community, through a poll by specialist insurance company Footman James, voted that this naming and documentation should change. Instead of classic cars continuing to have their internal combustion engine and designation, 70% of (more than two out of three) respondents said that the DVLA should class them as a new class of vehicle.

Managing Director of Footman James, David Bond said: “EV conversions are dividing the classic and collector industry and our clients. With modern EVs counting for 64,000 in registrations this year alone, electric power is a small but growing sector. This is spilling out to classic owners who are also choosing to swap from petrol power to battery power. Classic cars by their nature are increasingly restored, modified and upgraded but interestingly, from the majority of our responders, converting from the internal combustion engine (ICE) to electric requires more official recognition.

“From the results of this poll, it looks our audience [at Footman James] want there to be a change and move to recognise EV-converted classic cars by the DVLA on the V5, and look at the green marking on the registration plates to show that they are powered by electricity.”

The question asked was:  As it stands, modern electric vehicles have their own DVLA classification and classic vehicles are given the historical class when they hit 40 years of age. But what should happen to electric classic conversions? Should they be recognised independently on a V5C, as a new class of vehicle?

1,355 people voted via an email poll. Of those, 942 people selected YES (69.52%) and 413 people selected NO (30.48%).

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